
Do Americans love kids?

Do Americans love kids?

At a recent dinner party in NW Washington, D. C. I said something about edcuation. An indignant woman seated next to me blurted out, "Are you saying Americans don't love kids?" It is a good question....do American's love kids? Whether you look at abortion statistics, the dehumanizing coarseness of our commercial culture, or the state of our government schools, I'm afraid the question answers itself.

American families beg for safe schools and we give them metal detectors. They beg for highly qualified teachers and we give them "certified" educators who claim to deserve ever higher pay. Families beg for for higher academic standards and more challenging curricula and we give them politically sanitized texts that satisfy no one, except the Texas State School Board. They demand some kind of accountability, and we give them massive bureaurcratic testing programs.

In fact, American families are now paying more than $700,000,000,000 (yes that means billions) to have a government run gulag that ranks amongst the lowest performing of any industrialized nation. And we continue to be told that if we will spend just a little more, "reform" will be right around the corner.

Do Americans love kids? It is a very good question.

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